Having being part of the Wellness industry for just on 5 years, one comment that always baffles me is, "this is too expensive" or "I cannot afford it".
Its even more incredible when the person you are speaking to is overweight / obese and not very healthy.
What is the Value of your Health?
I've currently got a program which costs $170 per month where you can lose weight, become healthier and feel good about yourself. Now, this program is guaranteed. Plus on top of that you get a nutrition coach who will monitor your progress, motivate you and make sure you get results.
Ok lets take a look at the price of this program. $170 which will supply you with up to 60 meals per month. It will also supply your body with 100% balanced nutrition every day without you having to think about it. All you do is take 3 Multivitamins, 2 shakes and 1 Meal per day and you will lose weight, Guaranteed.
If you break this price up, it works out to be $2.83 per meal or $5.66 per day. Would you say this is extremely cheap considering you get all that I have stated above. And yes that includes a coach, WOW! How cheap is that.
So, What is the value of your health?
If a person tells me that this is expensive, then I question them. Is your health not worth $2.83 per meal?
Its quite amazing that people go to a McDonalds and spend about $10 per meal and they dont question it. They dont question, what value to my health am I getting in this meal for $10?
If a person decides not to start on a program, so what are the consequences of being overweight and obese. Take a look at the following link from the Department of Health & Ageing,
As it states here are the consequences,
"The health problems and consequences of obesity are many and varied, including musculo-skeletal problems, cardiovascular disease, some cancers, sleep apnoea, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension to name a few. Many of these are often preventable through a healthy and active lifestyle. In particular, obesity is strongly linked to type 2 diabetes, identified as one of the six National Health priority areas. There are several new large well conducted studies that have show a clear relationship between excessive body weight and increased mortality and morbidity. Mortality and morbodity are also associated with the amount of weight gained in adult life. For example, a weight gain of 10kg or more since young adulthood is associated with increased mortality, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke and type 2 diabetes."
If you have a think about it closely, if an overweight or obese person decides not to get healthy and lose weight, the costs this person will endure in future years from various diseases associated from being overweight or obese are enormouse. Imagine all the drugs you will need to take and the regular doctor visits you will have to attend.
So if you are reading this and you have thought $2.83 is too expensive to look after your health and lose weight....well, I think you should think again.
For more information about this program, take a look at the Cellular Nutrition blog at http://wellnesscoachsupport.blogspot.com/2010/10/cellular-nutrition-does-your-weight.html
Also, take a look my blog about getting all the nutritional value in your food, http://wellnesscoachsupport.blogspot.com/2010/10/i-can-get-all-nutrients-from-food-i-eat.html.
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