Why is it so important to define your wellness goals?
We will use this example. You and your family got into a car to go on short holiday trip. Though the problem is before you all got into the car, you didnt talk about where you wanted to go.
What happens when you dont know where to go?....Well, you end going in circles and you dont end up reaching your destination or you will find it a painful struggle in reaching your goals.
So are you clear why it is important to define your wellness goals.
When you define your wellness goals, you have to also be specific. For example, If you want to lose weight, you need to define how much weight you want to lose and also set a date that you want to lose this weight. i.e. I want to lose 10 kg's in 3 months.
Other examples could be you want to become fitter. Be more specific and say I want to able to run for 14 km's without rest by end of March 30.
Another example, is that I want to tone my body. Be more specific and set a goal that you want to build biceps and lose 10% of my body fat in 2 months.
It is also important that when you set these specific goals, that you are realistic. You dont want to set a goal like you want to lose 10 kg's in 1 month. This is just not going to happen.
Next step after you set your specific goals, you want to note them down somewhere where you are able see these goals every single time. Get a piece of paper, write the goal down in big and bold writing on the paper and stick it on your fridge or pantry cupboard or bedroom noticeboard or where you will see it most of the time.
Also, write it down on a small card to put into your wallet or handbag. Look at it before you go to bed and wake up. Look at it when you have a weak moment where you are tempted to get off track towards your goal.
Lastly, note down what the Benefits are for me to acheive this goal. Also, note down what are the negatives for not achieving these goals.
In Summary
- Define your goals and be specific.
- Write down your goals in Big and Bold writing on a clean piece of paper.
- Stick up your Paper of goals somewhere where you notice it all the time.
- Note down the benefits of reaching your goals and the negatives of not reaching your goals.
In the next Blog we will going through the next step, Having an Evaluation from a Wellness Coach.
Get your FREE Wellness Evaluation & Sample today. Make an inquiry at www.shapeofyourlife.com/rmilan
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